A copy of your agency ID card (active or retired) must be attached to the application
Copy of your Driver’s License must be submitted with the application to verify your status
MEMBER BENEFICIARY INFORMATION (If left blank, LODGE 89 will be the default beneficiary)
I hereby declare that I am a regularly appointed full-time, or retired, uniform law enforcement officer with arrest powers, who is employed by the United States, or a state, city, town, village or political sub-division therein and subject to its Constitution and By-Laws.
I, hereby declare that I am a civilian (NON-Law Enforcer) and promise to abide by all the rules and regulations of the Fraternal Order of Police and NYC Corrections Lodge 89. If my membership is revoked or discontinued for any reason I do hereby agree to return my membership card and any other material bearing the F.O.P insignia to NYS Lodge 89 or the State Lodge or the Grand Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police.
Please enter signature
Applications can be completed online at www.fopnyslodge89.com with PAYPAL or should be mailed to: FOP LODGE 89, P.O. BOX 690701, EAST ELMHURST N.Y. 11369 Please make money order or checks payable to FOP lodge 89.
Applications can be completed online at www.fopnyslodge89.com. Checks, M.O. payable to FOP lodge 89. We accept PAY PAL. Please mail applications to: RIKERS ISLAND LODGE 89, P.O. BOX 690701, EAST ELMHURST, N.Y. 11369
Note: Application received after April 30, 2023 will be held for 2024 membership
Note: Application received after April 30, 2023 will be processed for 2024 membership